Blue is the name of our student ministry here at FBC Frisco.

For full information see: here

Our student ministry exists to…

…reach out to students

…connect them with other Christians

…grow in their faith

…serve each other

…offer their lives to Christ


We reach out to students through our Blue Worship designed with students in mind. It feature current music led by a student band, video of the day, an a Bible message from our Student Minister. There are also many opportunities for students to share their testimonies and witness baptisms.


We connect through small groups, which is a vital part of our ministry. Small groups include Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible study groups based on grade and gender. This is an important time to connect with our leaders, other students and the Lord. Every student is guided to a small group that fits their needs to ensure a sense of belonging.


We witness our students growing in their faith through small groups, worship, mission opportunities, camps and so much more. In addition, we especially focus on each student’s spiritual growth. We encourage through intense Bible study and application. We challenge and inspire our students to spend one on one time with the Lord on a regular basis, and equip them to continue their walk on their own as they mature.


We provide a variety of opportunities for our students to serve in the student ministry as well as throughout the church and abroad. They may serve regularly as greeters, visual and audio techs or worship associates. We also provide occasional opportunities to go out and serve on local and foreign mission trips. This is a great opportunity for students to experience a hands-on approach to being others-centered.


We want our students to walk in obedience every day making their life an offering to Him. By reaching out and connecting with others, growing in their spiritual walk and serving others, we desire our students to exemplify an authentic life of being Christ-like.


Why Blue?

In 2007, our student ministry attended a camp near Austin, Texas. Each camp group was designated a color group. Ours: Blue! It was a summer we will never forget! We saw God move in mighty ways. The students were excited about worship, thrilled to be with one another, and even pumped about Rec (Rec is the all-out, crazy games and get messy part of camp, which previously wasn’t student’s favorite time). But that year changed everything! Students were united, transformed and renewed unlike anything we had witnessed before. We actually won the spirit stick! We felt God’s presence, His comfort, His strength…as Blue. It was a feeling that we didn’t want to part with, so collectively we decided to bring Blue back home with us. Thus, Blue was born and is an integral part of our ministry.

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